Accidents, bankruptcies, strikes and extreme weather conditions – all can put your vehicle at risk, if only by delaying its arrival. Over the years, we’ve become expert at responding to the unforeseen, and in the unlikely event of an incident we will be there to help you.
If you need advice on which insurance to buy, we can provide you with detailed quotes tailored to your requirements. We can arrange cover, issue policy documentation and will assist you in the event of a claim.
We adhere to the British International Freight Association Code of Practice when we provide you with insurance.We’re also registered with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) and bound by their standard terms and provisions, so we’re an organisation you can trust.
Financial Ombudsman Service
South Quay Plaza
183 Marsh Wall
London E14 9SR
Tel. 0845 080 1800 or 0300 123 9 123
Email: [email protected]